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GERD Video Series
This post is a comprehensive review of Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease for the layperson. It will consist of four videos, each approximately ten minutes, with perhaps the last being somewhat longer. Part I: GERD: An Overview A brief look into the symptoms, the...
Breast Cancer: The First Conversation
Cancer is always a difficult topic. It is a subject that is filled with a gamut of emotions that sweep over a patient the second the word is uttered. It is such a burden, delivered so suddenly in many cases that it is difficult to comprehend much less recall later...
The Other Side of the Curtain
It's 0730 and I'm not in the OR for a change. I'm in the surgery waiting room. Up at 0330, nervous, my wife in the shower with the antiseptic soap for her timed, three-minute last dose. Two hard-boiled eggs for me and a double coffee from the Kureg that she made while...
“The Dick”
There were no cars behind me. Why should there be? It was 0430 and I was at the stop sign on Wyatt St. six blocks south of Children’s. All I needed to do was turn right, like I had every other morning the past seven weeks. I saw the headlights half-a mile further...
Good Bye Angel
“Jesus Christ, take the trocar out. You shouldn’t be using it until you know what you’re doing, which probably isn’t going happen anytime soon.” She stood on the other side of the metal procedural table that was covered with a sterile drape on which the thoracostomy...
If my C. diff colitis comes back, do I need a fecal transplant, and can my kids get it?
"I’m being treated for C. diff colitis that I got after a course of antibiotics for appendicitis. Will it come back? Can my family catch it from me? What’s a fecal transplant?" Claustridium difficile infection (CDI), or C. diff colitis as it is most commonly called...
The best screening test for colon cancer: colonoscopy vs stool test (Cologuard) vs virtual colonoscopy
"I need my first screening colonoscopy and I've had friends who just had a stool test and others had an xray, and both of those are cheaper than the colonoscopy my doctor referred me for, so, what is the best?" The recommendations for screening for colon cancer are to...
Thank you, Bucky
It was a weekend, in the night, like it always is; the patient, a 32yo narcotic addicted woman who’d been filling her Vicodin from a pain doctor in another city in another state for her upper abdominal pain for the past week. I’m not saying I don’t understand. Chronic...
Surgical Consult: A Versa-climber Epiphany
I had another Versa-climber induced epiphany today. I have them frequently; unfortunately, I forget much or most of them before I climb out of the shower, and this is already fading. I only have epiphanies on the Versa-climber because there is nothing else to do, but...